Menus: Each of the two different EZNote windows will have several menus near the top of the window. The menus are as follows: File (when entering a new note): New Category… This option allows you to create a new Category. Rename Category… This option allows you to rename the current Category. Save As/Save Selection As… Save a copy of the current note anywhere you’d like (hold down the option key while selecting the File menu to be able to save the current selection). Insert Template If you have any notes in a folder named “◊Templates” within the EZNote folder, they will be listed in this hierarchical menu for instant insertion into the current note. Append Selection To If you have any notes in the category named “◊Appendables”, they will be listed in this hierarchical menu to allow you to append any text selected onto the end of the “◊Appendables” note selected. Page Setup… The standard dialog for printer options. Print… Print the text of the current note. If you have background printing on, any printed notes will print after you Quit EZNote. Quit This option will save the note you have just created into the selected category (the popup menu on the bottom of the window). File (when using Get/Edit Note): New Note… Create a new note in the current Category. New Category… This option allows you to create a new Category. Rename Category… This option allows you to rename the current Category. Revert This option will revert the note you are editing to the way it was when you first started editing it. Save As/Save Selection As… Save a copy of the current note anywhere you’d like (hold down the option key while selecting the File menu to be able to save the current selection). Insert Template If you have any notes in a folder named “◊Templates” within the EZNote folder, they will be listed in this hierarchical menu for instant insertion into the current note. Append Selection To If you have any notes in the category named “◊Appendables”, they will be listed in this hierarchical menu to allow you to append any text selected onto the end of the “◊Appendables” note selected. Move Note To Move the current note to another category with this option. Rename Note… Rename the current note. Page Setup… The standard dialog for printer options. Print… Print the text of the current note. Copy Selection and Paste Into App This option will copy the text selected into the clipboard, quitting EZNote and will automatically paste into whatever document you are currently in (as long as the application will accept a text paste). Copy All Text and Paste Into App This option will select all text of the current note and copy the text selected into the clipboard, quitting EZNote and will automatically paste into whatever document you are currently in (as long as the application will accept a text paste). Quit This option will save the note you have just created into the selected category (the popup menu on the bottom of the window). Edit: Undo Will undo the last text change made. Cut Will cut the selected text to the clipboard. Copy Will copy the selected text to the clipboard. Paste Will paste any text on the clipboard into the current note. Clear Will delete the selected text. Select All Will select all the text in the current note. Insert Date Will insert the date into the current note. Insert Time Will insert the time into the current note. Show Selection Will scroll the currently selected text into view. Find Search for text in any note (starting from the current item). You can also define a replacement string. Enter Selection Will enter the text selected as the Find text. Find Again Search for next occurrence of the last text searched for. Replace Replace the selected text with the string defined in the Find Dialog. Replace & Find Again Replace the selected text with the string defined in the Find Dialog and search for next occurrence of the last text searched for. Replace All Will replace any text defined in the Find Dialog with the replace text also defined in the Find Dialog (for the current note only). This option is not undoable, please be careful! Previous Category If you have more than one category, you can move to the previous one. Next Category If you have more than one category, you can move to the next one. Plugins: Plugins are external files (kept in the EZNote Plugins folder which should be in the System Folder) which do certain operations on selected text. As more plugins are created for EZNote, you just add them to your EZNote Plugins folder (and within it’s appropriate folder if necessary) to add more functionality to EZNote. There are several plugins that should have come with EZNote, see the PlugIns chapter for more information. Font, Style & Color: These are the standard menus for changing the characteristics of selected text.